Find out how you can go swimming when you're on your period, what you need as well as helpful tips and advice in this article.

The short answer: yes!
In a minefield of period do's and don’ts, it’s sometimes hard to distinguish what we can and can’t do whilst menstruating. The good news is that swimming is absolutely something you can do during your period! Over the years, tampons have been adapted to make sure it’s safe for you to enjoy a dip in the pool whilst on your period.
Whether you’re swimming in a chlorinated pool or the sea, it’s totally safe and hygienic to swim on your period. That said, we have a few tips and advice that you may want to consider next time you decide to swim whilst menstruating.

Will my tampon soak up the water?
Some of the pool or seawater will likely be absorbed by your tampon when you’re swimming. This is not to say, though, that it won’t absorb your blood also - it will. You may want to consider this and use a slightly more absorbent tampon before taking a dip.
Should I change my tampon after swimming?
Although you’re perfectly safe whilst swimming, it is advisable to change your tampon once you have finished. A wet tampon (especially from non-chlorinated water) could cause the growth of unwanted bacteria in your vagina. It’s always better to be safe and mindful and replace your tampon after swimming.
If you want to further reduce this risk, we would also recommend using our organic and toxin-free tampons. With less chance of irritation, you can enjoy your swim worry-free!

Why does it seem like my period has stopped when I’m swimming?
Is it an urban myth that when you’re in the water and on your period, you stop bleeding? Well, yes… and no. It’s essentially a matter of science. Water pressure creates more resistance than air does, meaning that the pressure against the opening of your vagina is higher when in water. So, it may appear you have stopped bleeding altogether, when in fact the pressure is just temporarily preventing the blood from escaping!
As soon as you exit the water, your flow will go back to its usual pace - so a tampon is always recommended!
What happens if I leak through my tampon in the water?
Despite the increased pressure on your vagina opening and the unlikeliness of a leak within the water, we all have the fear of leaving a bloody trail behind us whilst swimming. Well, fear not! Any small leakage of blood would be quickly diluted by the water and would be very unlikely to be seen by others. In the unlikely event that you do leak, swimming pools are chlorinated to protect you (and fellow swimmers) against any hygiene issues. So, try not to worry too much about leaks… it’s all natural after all!

Can I swim with menstrual cramps?
You can! And, even better, it could even reduce your cramps. Research has shown that doing exercise (like swimming) releases endorphins around your body which act as natural painkillers. So, a swim may actually help with period pain.
The bottom line
Ultimately, it is completely safe and hygienic to swim whilst on your period. Although there are some special considerations to think about before you go swimming - like taking extra tampons, pads, or period knickers to change into after swimming - being on your period should not stop you from enjoying a dip!