Helping Where We Can

We believe everyone should have access to positive periods
Periods free of pollution, shame and discomfort mean nothing if only a small percentage of women and people who menstruate have access to them.
Today, our products are not as easily accessible as some synthetic disposable products and the cost of our products put them out of the reach for many people.
Without boring you on all reasons why it’s so difficult to launch new products in a market dominated by billion dollar incumbents, we’ll just say when it comes to making our products accessible to everyone who can benefit from them, patience is key.

Giving products to those most in need
Our inbox is inundated with requests for product donations. It’s truly sobering to see how, despite raised awareness, and improved access to free products, period poverty is still rife in our society. Giving products to those most in need is one of the most straightforward ways we can help.

The cost of having no money
The problem is, it’s very expensive being poor. For a lot of people, they don’t have the disposable cash in the short-term to invest in a reusable products. Synthetic, disposable products will always be the cheapest option in the short-term, but it’s a treadmill of spending customers will never get off. Making our products’ long-term savings more accessible to people in the short-term is one of our goals for the coming year.
We donate products to programmes such as Rethink Periods and WEN's Environmenstrual Ambassador programme to help young people learn about alternative products earlier, form sustainable habits, and make use of the free products available to them whilst at school. We also partnered with singer Nina Nesbitt to launch limited edition Period Drama Queen tampons, with 100% of the profit going to Bloody Good Period.